Monday, November 12, 2007

Here goes nothing.

So I decided to do this, just because.

This weekend was probably one of the best I've had in a while. I went to Austin with my Pi Phis. We partied, a lot. It also made me think about a lot-about what I want, what I have, and what I need. I realized a lot about a situation I'm in, a good realization too. The trip home....was great-to say the least. Not because I was coming home, but because of the conversations had.

Austin is crazy. I'm glad I chose College Station. It is nice to take a trip up there every once in a while, but it would be way too much for me to live there. 6th street scares me and I was latched onto someone at most times. Northgate I can run around and not worry.

The tailgating is different there. It felt like, I don't know, secluded or something-even though it wasn't. Here its everyone together and you can go from tent to tent and its normal. Oh well, just helps me realize that C.Stat is where I am supposed to be.

This weekend will be blah. Everyone is going to Houston on Friday night but I can't go because I have Songfest. Oh well, I need a break. Hopefully Saturday we will celebrate my birthday? Maybe.

My calculus teacher refuses to cancel Wednesdays class, which puts a damper on my idea to go to Houston to shop. Maybe I still will? Who knows. Thanksgiving is in a little over a week. Big whoop. My family is coming up here, and I kinda wanted to go home. The A&M-Texas game will be fun though, and hopefully Saturday will be too. THEN, its only 2 weeks till dead week, exams, and then I'll be in good ole Beaumont for a month (except when I go to Fort Stockton to hunt, and Tennessee if we go)

Speaking of, I am a little scared to go to Tennessee. It will be the first time I will be there without actually seeing my Grandfather and Normie. You can say I didn't see him last time, but I did in a way. I saw him physically at least and going this time will make me realize that I only see him in pictures now. I'm glad I at least got to say goodbye to Normie, that helps. I won't talk about that though, it's a little sad.

"This is my road, I take the corner as fast as I can go. Who’s to say at how I got so lucky anyway, I am my own at least until the Man comes and takes me home"

"Baby's just a little bit tired of the city, billboards and bullshit got her down. Seem like you need a little hill country, a little back roads driving, little bit of the old top down. Yeah, everybodys gotta get away sometime. Forget about yourself for a while, seems to me that all you need is a ragtop car to ride with me. Okay, alright, just might get a little high tonight...Ok, alright, carry on"